The Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) is pleased to announce the Technical Conference to be held in the city of Lima, Peru, from October 15 to 17.

This event will bring together experts in the field of taxation to discuss Avoidance and general anti-abuse rules: casuistry and tax justice, promoting the exchange of ideas and innovative solutions to the current challenges faced by tax administrations.

The conference will be a space for technical and academic dialogue, where cooperation between institutions and the strengthening of knowledge in the field will be encouraged.

Don’t miss this opportunity to participate!


The central theme of the 2024 Technical Conference will be “Avoidance and general anti-abuse rules: casuistry and tax justice”, divided into four main sub-topics, one for each day of technical sessions, as follows::

  • Legal aspects of the general anti-avoidance regulations (GAAR);
  • Design of procedures for the effective implementation of general anti-abuse rules (GAAR);
  • Effective communication to ensure that GAAR are implemented as a last resort; and,
  • Challenges of tax administrations when implementing GAARs..